Friday, August 28, 2009

its true;

no one reads my blog and i find it hard to remain interested in it for long. but do we cease to exist because no one looks at us? if a tree falls down in the forest and no one is around to hear it, did it fall/exist/philosophy? etc etc.

i am pretty sure that tree question is bullshit. of course the tree fell. humans acting as though nothing happens if we arent the instigators is another reason animals dont talk any more.

the last blogs i wrote were written in autum, a time of sun and carelessness, and today is one of the last days of winter. it is raining again. this seems like it should take on some meaning for me but it doesnt.

i also feel like i should have an actual topic i want to talk about, but i dont. once again i'm pretty sure the only reason im writing a blog is so i don't have to do uni work. i'm supposed to be writing a presentation for gender studies about why women are hard done by 24/7, always have been always will be, and why men suck and why its all their fault that kittens die etc etc etc. to be honest i do not care. i sit in that class and want to slit my wrists, listening to the bullshit propganda the tutors tries and to instill in us. i wish i was a mad feminist and got fired up about womens rights and WHATEVER, but again, i am fine with my own selfish view of the world in that i like the rights i already have; and do not feel the need for personal change. so meh.

the only dilemma i have right now is who i am going to shanghai into coming to town with me tonight; my usual loose unit friend has a kidney infection but went out drinking last night anyway; now she is not allowed to go out because she is very very sick, and also an IDIOT.

and the reason her kidneys are fucked and not her liver is because her liver is already fucked from alcohol so they have moved onto her kidneys. and she is 19.

i shall take her a pretzel in a symbol of sympathy and exasperation

Monday, April 13, 2009

cool shit

do you ever like a song so much you just want to go write a blog about it???
no? good, that means you're probably not as lame as me. or mat holding...

i wont get sappy but woah i love i'm not alone by calvin harris. it makes me want to do meth at enchanted
and also halfway home by tv on the radio. it just makes me want to flip out at life yahhhh
so now i will go watch the matrix and eat more chocolate. in a few days i am going back to the shack to experience nature and living PROPERLY; the soundtrack will hopefully include lots of trance and the equipment will be chess, cluedo, smiles and looking at the plants....

one more for luck

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

kids these days...

so today, for lack of imagination, i've decided to write a blog in response to the poll in yesterday's advertiser: should serial hoons have their cars crushed?

the advertiser is the biggest piece of wanky manipulative garbage ever to murk our city
seriously, every article i read kills one of my brain cells. every paper sold lowers the common denominator. i dont like it.

The advertiser exists to whine, to bitch and complain, to dump blame, and to manipulate people. it is for this reason that adelaidians enjoy doing the same. right now, in my hometown, apart from bikies the people are hating on young people.

it seems an epic drag crash over the weekend has reinforced the fact that all us young people are risk taking lunatic idiots who dont care for the lives of others. We are also hoons who drink the city out of alcohol every weekend and proceed to pillage the homes of good upstanding members of the community, hurling abuse while we do it. we also carry knives everywhere, and like to stab eachother over ipods and such

of course, its my favourite thing to do?

the poll in the day before yesterday was should young people be banned from owning high-powered cars? the result was 96% yes......
i am getting on my soapbox tonight and saying i'm sick of being pigeonholed and hated on for being a teenager
with a car
who hangs out on hindley street on a saturday night occasionally.

cbf debating over it more. maybe i need more politicalness?
no thanks

i have a french exam this week, so im going to do some revision now. you can help me by reading it and telling me if its right or not. if you dont speak french, heres a lovely picture for you instead

accents are ommited

salut! je m'appelle Lucie et je suis en etudiante de francais. je parle à pierre. Pierre a deux chats. Ils sont mignons. Nous jouons au foot et nous faisons de la natation. Bob et Marie habitons à Sydney. Ils detestent Sydney. Mon pere arrive du Melbourne ce soir. Le lundi matins, est-ce que tu invite tes parents? elle est un petite fille. aussi, elles sont filles interessantes. Il y a un grand monsieur dans la jardin. Quand est-ce que vas-tu à la gare? J'AIME LES LAPINS.

i was doing some french revision in windows word and it told me that it could put it on french autocorrect if i wanted.... ooooo. fancy, it automaticaly knew i was writing le francais! well it should shouldnt it, its a fucking computer. they can do anything.
anyway i said no because i wanted to learn.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

have coke, need fridge

so i was going to write about the annoying aspects of womanhood

but i thought it may alarm some people (male) and maybe not appropriate for the internetz? not that teh internet cares, eg.

but i meant more for the sake of my own dignity.

anyway theres a baby monkey at the taronga?monarto? zoo, some sort of zoo, and it was rejected by its mother. why i dont know because it is possibly the most lovely creature ever to be born, i want to clone it over 9000 times. i want to put one in the baby carriage with my friend samie-lee's newborn baby seth. whos cuter now?!? if you read this sam of course it is your offspring.
here is elke


on the topic of lovely creatures, my cat puzzle thinks he is still a kitten, and is also very cunning when it comes to catching mice. he catches a lot of them and disembowels them slowly, and then eats them. it is lovely in theory but not lovely to watch
and they are usually baby mice too
anyway yesterday i noticed he was playing a game of cat and mouse - literally! hahaha oh my god lame. but he was playing very lazily with a baby mouse. and i told him to piss off and saved the baby mouse. it was so small and bouncy in my hand, i named him george, i dont know if it was a boy or a girl. then i let him go and washed my hands a few times.

this has been an essay on trying to sound like a 13 year old girl. successful.

hopefully next time i have something a bit more profitable to say, ill try and make you forget how shit i am at blogging and life by distracting you with this awesome collage of alex mack

Sunday, March 15, 2009

the truth is out there

the x files is indeed my favourite show ever
actually its on a par with skins and veronica mars but that's a story for another day

my passion for the x files, which has lay dormant over the past year at the lack of watching ive been able to do because i only have parts of season 1 and 2 on dvd, which lets face it, arent the best seasons (although theyre still amazing); has recently been rekindled on account of watching my favourite episode ever, bad blood, the other night at my bf's house courtesy of Unit and his foxtel. now, even more than ever, i simply must purchase the entire box set. i will need $350.00 for this but i think kevin rudd will happily purchase it for me. but that's a story for another day.

the x files is amzing for many reasons, here are some:
1. the Unresolved Sexual Tension between Mulder and Scully is widely regarded as the best ever on television ever
2. the mytharc is extremely in depth yet someone who had never seen the show could watch it one day and still find it awesome
3. david duchovny and gillian anderson are great actors and have excellent chemistry
4. cigarette smoking man

here are some pictures which demonstrate my points

this is when mulder and scully go undercover as a married couple in suburbia; episode provides lots of shippy moments and lulz

here is scully being sexual and mulder being badass; both with guns

now go watch

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

my anthropological findings:

they do not really include
heartbreak high
but i am trying to rationalise not doing work;

i was about 6 when it was on, i used to watch it because it seemed cool and i felt a bit daring when i watched it because it was meant for older kids; 12 year olds. i didn't really take anything in or understand any of it other than gang fights and teenage lovers and their babies, generally feral kids being romanticised, and the chick who plays Leah on Home and Away now when she was really young dancing around like a sluzza in a ballet studio. but it was okay because she was greek and wild.

and of course

such an epic love story. i was just "taking a break" from uni work which is raping the soul out of me when i came across this picture which brought back a wave of emotions. i dont remember any of their storylines but i know they were deeply in love and nothing would tear them apart. the guy who plays drazic is now on that aussie cop show rush, ive never watched it because it looks ghey, but apparently it's good, but the most important thing about it is that he has a severley bung eye

you can't really see it but oh my god

i'm past being judgemental now. i hope you've enjoyed these anthropological findings on heartbreak high. i conclude that the ABC should bring LiftOff back on tv.

Friday, March 6, 2009

do you have fly buys? no, i'm not flying anywhere...

This is the common response when i ask the question
either that or "no, its a waste of time"
both of which i have to hum in agreement. or get fired.

I work at coles in case you did not guess. At the checkout. I am a checkout chick. scale of soul to job: the former decreases as the latter increases

I am in fact heading there to serve in about ten minutes. I'll probably need some nodoz to deal. I have noticed that how nice i am to customers is directly influened by how much caffeine i've had.

Coles is very customer oriented, if you want, you can come in and be a complete arsehole to us and we will smile and take it. Unless we have some dignity, in which case we'll confuse you passive-aggressively. Or flip out, and then get fired. My friend anna got in trouble the other day for telling a customer she was going on her break. Apparently it's rude.

Next time i post i will write a set of coles rules. i'd do it now but i have to go to coles. Instead, here is an amusing picture i made:

Thursday, March 5, 2009

phillip pirrip, my new friend......

I had something of an epiphany today, sitting in my english: "ideas of the real" class discussing an excerpt of Henry James' Turn of the Screw. A girl who was pissing me off because she was saying pretentious, englishy things but admittedly had a good grasp on the shit said something to the lecturer like "it's like you have to accept and come into this world to be able to come into the next". i was just thinking yuck, pretentious, yuck, when the lecturer pretty much jizzed in her pants; today i have learnt to let go of the inhibition of sounding like a complete fuckhead and just embrace the stupid, artsy, sit-in-a-coffee-shop-drinking-only-coffee-all-day-and
-chain-smoking-cigarettes-while-wearing-a-beret things you're supposed to say.

i wish i could put a lovely illustration of this up but i am on the wrong computer.

also today i saw an asian dude driving a car with hello kitty seat covers, this made me happy to the extreme as it reminded me of my own, mine is a lot less x-core than his was, mine is purple and fluffy and given to me by my lovely boyfriend and there's only one and only one for me.

however i was pissed off because i got a message as soon as i got on the bus that told me my friends were in the unibar. no getting drunk before tackling anthropology assignment for me?

today you can help me by telling me your experiences of the mother-daughter relationship.
i need to stop blogging.......... feeling self indulgent............ fail.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

your mother in law is heavy

The title of this blog refers to the way my anthropolgy lecturer introduced us to the subject... He went on to explain about how he loved the word heavy, as it has so many different meanings, and then about the five dollar note, and then about starfish. I sort of knew what he was talking about

Not really.
Today at uni i watched mythbusters and spoke lots of french (cecile et julien sont malade). Here is a picture that i wish i drew:

Today i have decided to discuss the economic crisis. I heard last night through the sultry lips of sandra sully that the CEO of billabong declared himself bankrupt, I thought, lolz. To be honest the economic crisis hasn't affected me much, I am financially affected more by the fact that today I decided to buy a $170 dress and now have $70 to last me a week... It seems the world is basically going to shit, what with fires and floods and global warming and droughts and no money and the torrens being ugly. I wouldn't be surprised if this was the apocalypse, just in a slow, drawn out, boring way, and I wouldnt be that fussed if it is.
Hopefully we survive long enough to see december 12, 2012, because that's the day the aliens come to take back the planet and put the black oil virus inside all humans, I'd love to see it in action. Maybe the syndicate will have perfected the alien human hybrid by then.

I'm not really psycho i'm just an x files fan. Isn't gillian anderson the perfect woman?

Monday, March 2, 2009

gazeem was obviously less than worthy

I used to have a blog, it was shit because i was 16. Then i had another one and it was infinitely better. Then I got facebook

Blogging is only good when it is a short story in 21st century postmodern techno internetz form. I like stories so i'll try to tell stories and not useless carp about me. There's too much carp on the internet. Not enough porn though.

One of my favourite things to do is learn useless information and then pull it out on quiz nights. For example, did you know switching letters is called spoonerism? Saying "jap of flapan" instead of "flag of japan" is spoonerism, in my experience, spoonerism creates lolz.

Here is a list of some things about me:

1. I had my first day of university today. I haven't used a pen much over my gap year; I suspect I may have carpal tunnel, or lupus

2. I can dislocate my jaw at will. My orthodontist wanted to shatter my jaw and remake it but i said no thanks Orglen (that's his name).

3. My favourite smell is burnt hair

This evidently failed my efforts to not write about myself. I'll try better next time -- in the meantime if you'd like to know more about me send a package of diet coke to my address